Making India Energy Efficient

energy effiecient techonologies and products
SUS TECH INNOVATIONS Private Limited understanding the importance of reducing the Global Warming selected the Electrical Energy, which has an essential role in all walks of life and also Nations, per capita incomes are also linked to the per-capita consumption of Electrical Energy.
The majority of world is mostly dependent on Thermal Energy and it is estimated around 60% of energy being produced from Thermal and it is resulting to huge Carbon Emissions to the climate.
The Nations across the Globe have studied the facts and have drawn a common protocol for reducing the emissions and have signed an agreement known as “Paris Agreement”.
SUS TECH is committed to take these Energy effiecient Techonologies and Products to all the Electrical Energy User.
Quality With Dedication
SUSTECH engaged in product design, development, manufacturing, selling and commissioning of projects also would like to undertake the Energy Efficient Projects under Shared Saving Model.
Supervisory control and Data acquisition systems linked to head-quarters of each DISCOM

Remote control systems with Asset Management provision, of Dash Board linking for street lights

Energy Management Systems for Pit-area water pumping, circulating area and for amenities management

Change of motors, integration of drives, demand management between Diesel generators and Raw Power TOD Metering and preventive health care of the equipment by networking of every load
House hold users can adopt the SUS TECH Products for optimizing the usage for comfort and for overall management of their home utilities

Our company has designed very promising management system in support of green building

Managing the asset and bringing in the efficiency in operation and minimizing the consumption is the art of the Technology for which Sus Tech has well designed and cost effective products interfaced with cloud management Technologies
Why SUS TECH Is Best
Sustech pays you back with low payback periods for its products.

Brings In Higher Efficiency

The SUS TECH INNOVATIONS committed for developing the Energy Efficient Economy in the country in line with Govt.of India and Global policies, would like to operate in healthy Global competition and would like to serve the country to its Targets in support of the signed Protocol by Govt. of India along with all other World wide Nations, AND
SUS TECH has drawn its quality policy and is committed strictly to follow the Global standards framed by the Electrical Industry.