SUS TECH INNOVATIONS Private Limited understanding the importance of reducing the Global Warming selected the Electrical Energy, which has an essential role in all walks of life and also Nations, per capita incomes linked to the per-capita consumption of Electrical Energy.

The majority of world is mostly dependent on Thermal Energy and it is estimated around 60% of energy being produced from Thermal and it is resulting to huge Carbon Emissions to the climate.

The Nations across the Globe have studied the facts and have drawn a common protocol for reducing the emissions and have signed an agreement known as “Paris Agreement”.

SUS TECH has identified the Technologies for efficient utilization of Electrical Energy, in support of the Govt. Polices and to support  electrical regulating authorities, distribution companies and the consumers both the conventional and new & Renewable energies.

SUS TECH is committed to take these technologies to all the Electrical Energy user


SUS TECH initial target customers would include organisations from power intensive industry verticals.  Electrical Discoms, Mining, petroleum, refineries, urban and rural water distribution, ports, large commercial buildings, ULBs, Railways and Domestic consumers.

The SUS TECH plans to offer its products/services in two business models.

  1. Product supplies
  2. Shared savings model (ESCO Model)


To persue its vision further, it would expand the product offerings to

New and renewable energies particularly for improving the efficiency of installed solar plants at least by 8% with a provision of control, with the Financier on the total plant along with plant owner.

Vehicle monitoring system linking the control to financier & insurance company.


SUS TECH’s vision is to be a solution provider of choice to customers across multiple industry verticals to help meet their energy efficiency goals.


Global Warming is threat to mankind on the Globe. All most every country in the world has joined hands and signed the common Protocol restricting the emission to Atmosphere.


SUS TECH is being imppored by NRIs from the day one of its inception for its investments. The Technical and Management Team is highly experienced in electronics, embedded Technologies, communication layers, user interface designing and electrical protocol implementation